Did you know?

Scientists believe that it takes an average of 66 days for a behavior to become automatic.*

Sticking to a daily routine may help you remember to take RINVOQ. This short routine builder will help you think about when you take RINVOQ and establish reminders that work with your schedule and lifestyle.

Lets get started.

*Lally P, et al. Eur J Soc Psych 2010;40:998–1009.


When do you typically take RINVOQ?


Do you have a visual cue to help you remember to take RINVOQ?

For example, put your RINVOQ on the counter where you can see it, or put a note on your bathroom mirror.

You can also set medication reminders in the RINVOQ Complete App.


It may help to reinforce taking RINVOQ by connecting it to something you do every day. Do you have a reinforcement for taking RINVOQ?

For example, maybe you take RINVOQ right after you brush your teeth.

If you don’t connect an activity with taking RINVOQ, that’s OK, just write down something you do daily.

Remember your back-up plan

It is important to have a back-up plan, in case you are traveling or are off your regular schedule.

For example, use the medication reminder on the App to remember to take RINVOQ, or put a note in your hotel bathroom to remind you.

What kind of back-up plan would work for you?

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