Helen: A fitness enthusiast who found relief from itch & rash

Music track and RINVOQ logo throughout.


RINVOQ is a prescription medicine used to treat adults and children 12 years of age and older with moderate to severe eczema (atopic dermatitis) that did not respond to previous treatment and their eczema is not well controlled with other pills or injections, including biologic medicines, or the use of other pills or injections is not recommended.

Individual results may vary.

Please see Safety Considerations within this video

TAYLOR: I would describe Helen as the strongest woman I know. I think her resilience and strength like throughout her eczema journey is so inspiring.

My name is Taylor and I'm Helen’s best friend.

HELEN: I’m Helen and I have moderate to severe eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis.

I was diagnosed with eczema when I was two weeks old.

I think the best way I would describe having eczema was my skin was my prison. I couldn’t escape it. Nothing was helping me at the time.

I’ve been on RINVOQ for over a year now. My skin is a lot more clear now. I don’t feel itchy anymore—very rarely.

I’ve always loved working out. I love what it does for both my physical health and mental health. 

TAYLOR: She definitely shows me up at the gym. She’s kind of like my own little personal trainer.

HELEN: When I was using the rower at the gym, I would have to stop and, you know, scratch because the itch was just so intense, and that was just really disruptive.

The rash on my neck was probably the worst.

Because of my itch at night, I was just really restless.

TAYLOR: I saw her almost like at war with herself.

HELEN: I think I had a really dramatic moment of truth, and it was when I was looking in the mirror and I just didn’t recognize myself anymore.

I realized the impact that eczema had on my skin. And I thought to myself, okay, after today, something has to change, and I showed up for myself after that. 

Dealing with it the most productive way is talking to your doctor and asking for help.

When I felt that RINVOQ started to work for me, I think there was almost like this light that went off in me saying, oh, like, this is something.

I don’t really itch anymore, which is really nice, and my rash is pretty much gone.

Because my eczema is controlled now, I feel like I can be fully present when I'm working out.

Being in this place and not having eczema as the center of it just feels really nice.


Safety Considerations

RINVOQ (upadacitinib) may cause serious side effects, including:

  • Serious infections. RINVOQ can lower ability to fight infections. Serious infections, some fatal, occurred, including tuberculosis (TB) and infections caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses.
  • Increased risk of death in people age 50+ with at least 1 heart disease risk factor.
  • Cancer and immune system problems. Increased risk of some cancers, including lymphoma and skin. Current or past smokers have higher risk for lymphoma and lung cancer.
  • Increased risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death in people 50+ with at least 1 heart disease risk factor, especially in current or past smokers.
  • Blood clots, some fatal, in veins of the legs or lungs and arteries. This occurred more often in people 50+ with at least 1 heart disease risk factor.
  • Serious allergic reactions. Do not take if allergic to RINVOQ or its ingredients.
  • Tears in the stomach or intestines; changes in certain laboratory test results.

Please see additional Important Safety Information on the page below.