For adults with moderate to severe Crohn’s disease in whom TNF blockers did not work well

For adults with moderate to severe Crohn’s disease in whom TNF blockers did not work well

Proven results


RINVOQ results that won’t back down

Many people(~4 out of 10) taking RINVOQ achieved


meaning few or no symptoms (at 12 weeks* and 1 year)

In two clinical trials, some patients who achieved clinical response on RINVOQ at 12 weeks entered into a maintenance trial. Of those who entered, RINVOQ helped these patients achieve these results at 1 year.

*Results are combined from 2 clinical trials of 857 patients: one included patients with or without prior biologic failure and the other included patients with prior biologic failure.

Results from 343 patients who achieved clinical response defined as a reduction of CDAI of at least 100 points from baseline after 12 weeks of treatment with RINVOQ.

Click on the tabs below to see proven RINVOQ results

In Study 1, 2.6 times more people, 37% taking RINVOQ 45 mg (N=273) experienced rapid symptom relief vs 14% on placebo (N=146).
In Study 1, 2.6 times more people, 37% taking RINVOQ 45 mg (N=273) experienced rapid symptom relief vs 14% on placebo (N=146). In Study 2, 1.5 times more people, 37% taking RINVOQ 45 mg (N=295) experienced rapid symptom relief vs 24% on placebo (N=143).
In Study 1, 2.7 times more people, 30% taking RINVOQ 45 mg (N=96) achieved steroid-free remission vs 11% on placebo (N=53).
In Study 1, 2.7 times more people, 30% taking RINVOQ 45 mg (N=96) achieved steroid-free remission vs 11% on placebo (N=53). In Study 2, 3 times more people, 40% taking RINVOQ 45 mg (N=108) achieved steroid-free remission vs 13% on placebo (N=54).
In Study 1, 11 times more people, 34% taking RINVOQ 45 mg (N=273) experienced visibly reduced damage of the intestinal lining vs 3% on placebo (N=146).

*Based on areas that were assessed with endoscopy.

In Study 1, 11 times more people, 34% taking RINVOQ 45 mg (N=273) experienced visibly reduced damage of the intestinal lining 3% on placebo (N=146). In Study 2, 3.5 times more people, 46% taking RINVOQ 45 mg (N=295) experienced visibly reduced damage of the intestinal lining vs 13% on placebo (N=143).

*Based on areas that were assessed with endoscopy.

In Study 3, 3 times more people, 42% taking RINVOQ 15 mg (N=113) & 53% taking RINVOQ 30 mg (N=119) achieved steroid-free remission vs 14% on placebo (N=111).
In Study 3, 4 times more people, 28% taking RINVOQ 15 mg (n=113) & 41% taking RINVOQ 30 mg (n=119) experienced visibly reduced damage of the intestinal lining vs 7% on placebo (n=111).

Based on areas that were assessed with endoscopy.


RINVOQ may cause serious side effects, including:

  • Serious infections. RINVOQ can lower ability to fight infections. Serious infections, some fatal, occurred, including tuberculosis (TB) and infections caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses.
  • Increased risk of death in people age 50+ with at least 1 heart disease risk factor.
  • Cancer and immune system problems. Increased risk of some cancers, including lymphoma and skin. Current or past smokers have higher risk for lymphoma and lung cancer.
  • Increased risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death in people 50+ with at least 1 heart disease risk factor, especially in current or past smokers.
  • Blood clots, some fatal, in veins of the legs or lungs and arteries. This occurred more often in people 50+ with at least 1 heart disease risk factor.
  • Serious allergic reactions. Do not take if allergic to RINVOQ or its ingredients.
  • Tears in the stomach or intestines; changes in certain laboratory test results.

Learn more about these and the full Important Safety Information below. 

Keep scrolling to see trial data and real patient endoscopy images at 12 weeks and 1 year



Real clinical trial patient endoscopy images. Adult patient with moderate to severe Crohn's disease received RINVOQ 45 mg (induction) and 15 mg (maintenance), once daily. Patient had previously used a medicine called a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blocker that either did not work well or could not be tolerated.

Patient 1’s rectum before taking RINVOQ showing visible intestinal lining damage


Patient 1’s rectum at week 12 on RINVOQ showing little to no visible evidence of active Crohn's (endoscopic remission)

Week 12

Patient 1’s rectum after 1 year on RINVOQ showing little to no visible evidence of active Crohn's (endoscopic remission)

1 Year

Patient achieved endoscopic remission at Week 12 and also at 1 year. At 12 weeks, 19% of people taking RINVOQ 45 mg (N=273) achieved endoscopic remission (little to no visible evidence of active Crohn’s) vs 3% of patients taking placebo (N=146) in Study 1. At 1 year, 19% of people taking RINVOQ 15 mg (N=113) achieved endoscopic remission (little to no visible evidence of active Crohn’s) vs 5% of patients taking placebo (N=111) in Study 3.

Individual results may vary.


Real clinical trial patient endoscopy images. Adult patient with moderate to severe Crohn's disease received RINVOQ 45 mg (induction) and 30 mg (maintenance), once daily. Patient had previously used a medicine called a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blocker that either did not work well or could not be tolerated.

Patient 2’s rectum before taking RINVOQ showing visible intestinal lining damage


Patient 2’s rectum at week 12 on RINVOQ showing visibly reduced intestinal lining damage (endoscopic response)

Week 12

Patient 2’s rectum after 1 year on RINVOQ showing visibly reduced intestinal lining damage (endoscopic response)

1 Year

Patient achieved endoscopic response at Week 12 and also at 1 year. 

Individual results may vary.

Your doctor will decide which maintenance dose (15 mg or 30 mg) is right for you.

In clinical studies,

RINVOQ helped people achieve visibly reduced damage of the intestinal lining (endoscopic response).*

At 12 weeks, 34% of people taking RINVOQ 45 mg (N=273) achieved visibly reduced damage of the intestinal lining* vs 3% of patients taking placebo (N=146) in Study 1, and 46% of people taking RINVOQ 45 mg (N=295) vs 13% of patients taking placebo (N=143) in Study 2.

At 1 year, 28% of patients taking RINVOQ 15 mg (N=113) and 41% of patients taking RINVOQ 30 mg (N=119) at 1 year achieved visibly reduced damage of the intestinal lining* vs 7% of patients taking placebo (N=111) in Study 3.

*Based on endoscopy at 12 weeks and 1 year.

Results from 343 patients who achieved clinical response defined as a reduction of CDAI of at least 100 points from baseline after 12 weeks of treatment with RINVOQ.

Understanding the possible side effects of RINVOQ

Consider the benefits and risks of taking RINVOQ to make an informed treatment choice with your gastroenterologist.

Quick poll

Still experiencing Crohn’s disease symptoms after a TNF blocker like HUMIRA® or REMICADE®?

RINVOQ is a once-daily pill that treats patients with moderate to severe Crohn’s disease in whom TNF blockers did not work well. It’s important to continue to partner with your gastroenterologist.

What is RINVOQ? >

RINVOQ is a once-daily pill that treats patients with moderate to severe Crohn’s disease in whom TNF blockers did not work well. It’s important to continue to partner with your gastroenterologist.

What is RINVOQ? >

REMICADE® (infliximab) is a registered trademark of Janssen Biotech, Inc.

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