RINVOQ: A once-daily pill for moderate to severe ulcerative colitis

When you and your gastroenterologist are considering ulcerative colitis medications, it's important to discuss what makes a treatment right for you.

How to take RINVOQ

1 pill once a day

Take one pill, once a day

RINVOQ can be taken with or without food. Avoid food or drink containing grapefruit.

Do not split, crush, or chew the pill

Call your healthcare provider if you see medication residue (a whole tablet or tablet pieces) in your stool.

For some people, TNF blockers may not work. RINVOQ is not an infusion or injection. 

Understanding the possible side effects of RINVOQ

Consider the benefits and risks of taking RINVOQ to make an informed treatment choice with your gastroenterologist. Learn more about RINVOQ side effects.

RINVOQ is just one pill, once a day and it fits into my routine.

—JACORRIAN, moderate to severe UC patient

RINVOQ is just one pill, once a day and it fits into my routine.

—JACORRIAN, moderate to severe UC patient

Have you ever taken a biologic, TNF-α blocker or JAK inhibitor to treat UC?

RINVOQ is a once-daily oral JAK inhibitor for adults with moderate to severe UC in whom TNF blockers did not work well.

RINVOQ can help you get the symptom relief you've been looking for and achieve lasting remission. See RINVOQ results >

RINVOQ is a once-daily oral JAK inhibitor for adults with moderate to severe UC in whom TNF blockers did not work well.

RINVOQ can put UC in check—the proof is in the clinical studies. See the results >


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Frequently asked questions about RINVOQ

Get answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about RINVOQ.

See RINVOQ in action

RINVOQ UC clinical study results won’t back down—neither should you.